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20 April, 2022

ExaCS- EBS 12.2.11 upgrade steps

The goal of this blog is to walk you through the steps to upgrade the EBS version from 12.2.4 to 12.2.11. Follow these steps to easily upgrade the EBS version. Refer to the oracle metalink documents for additional/conditional steps. Our database is in ExaCS cluster having 2 node RAC. In the first leg, we will upgrade the EBS tech stacks and then we will upgrade the database to 19c. With this approach, we will save an additional 5–6 hours of downtime.

Read More about ADOP Phases

EBS 12.2.11 upgrade steps:

Change DB Parameters

SQL> alter system set "optimizer_adaptive_features"= FALSE scope=both sid='*';
System altered.

SQL> alter system set "_disable_actualization_for_grant"=TRUE scope=both sid='*';
System altered.

SQL> show parameter isable_actualization_for_grant
 NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

_disable_actualization_for_grant     boolean     TRUE
SQL> show parameter optimizer_adaptive_features

 NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
optimizer_adaptive_features          boolean     FALSE

Run ETCC script on DB and Apps Nodes:

Download Patch 17537119

sh on All DB nodes

sh on Apps node

Apply Consolidated Seed Table Upgrade Patch:

Apply this patch while the EBS application up and running and in hotpatch mode
source the RFS - .EBSapps.env Run

command: adop phase=apply patches=26787701 hotpatch=yes
                  adop phase=cleanup

Start the adop cycle:

Source the RFS and start adop prepare phase.
command: adop phase=prepare

Apply additional Consolidated Patches:

Source the PFS from here and apply all the patches in Patch File System

. EBSapps.env Patch

Follow the document to apply ETCC Patches and mandatory patches for Forms & Reports, FMW homes & Weblogic patches

Create new EBS_SYSTEM schema:

By running the latest version of the adgrants scripts, a new schema EBS_SYSTEM will be created. AD/TXK Delta 13 introduces the new schema EBS_SYSTEM.

- Download the patch 33441060 to apps server
- unzip -o <> file to the $PATCH_TOP
- Copy the adgrants.sql from apps server to DB node
- scp <PATCH_TOP>/33441060/admin/adgrants.sql <USER_NAME>@<DB_SERVER>:<ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql
- On DB node source the env file of CDB
- Run the adgrants.sql on DB nodes
- sqlplus "/as sysdba"
  @$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/admin/adgrants.sql apps

adgrants.sql will create a new schema EBS_SYSTEM in a locked state. Unlock it and change the password same as SYSTEM user.


Validate the EBS_SYSTEM and SYSTEM password is same by running script on apps node
- perl $PATCH_TOP/32394134/ad/bin/

Apply AD/TXK Delta 13 Patches:

adop phase=apply patches=32394134,33441060 workers=24 merge=yes
adop phase=apply patches=32392507,33550674 workers=24 merge=yes 
adop phase=apply patches=33535778 workers=24

Note: Check metalink document for additional AD TXK patches.

Apply EBS 12.2.11 Release Update Pack:

adop phase=apply patches=31856789 workers=24

Post 12.2.11 Patch:

adop phase=apply patches=33628393,33316473,33203715 workers=24 merge=yes

Apply JAN-2022 CPU Patches:

adop phase=apply patches=33487428 workers=24 
adop phase=apply patches= 33568131,33168655,33168623,33245199,33559216 workers=24 merge=yes

Note: Check metalink document for additional CPU patches whichever required. 

Apply EBS 12.2 and 19c Interoperability Patches:

adop phase=apply patches=26521736,33346385,33119203 workers=24 merge=yes

Note: Check metalink document for any additional patches. Skip this if DB upgrade is not planned.

Complete the ADOP Cycle:

adop phase=finalize

Re-source the env file

adop phase=cleanup 
- Cleanup adop cycle will take longer time to complete. For me it took ~10 hours

adop phase=fs_clone

Apply Online Help Patches:

adop phase=apply patches=31856799 hotpatch=yes worker=48

Run autoconfig:

Run the autoconfig on the DB nodes first, followed by the apps node.of RAC autoconfig on DBnode1-DBnode2 and again on DBnode1, followed by apps node

Sanity Check:

-Confirm the AD and TXK Delta versions
-Confirm the EBS release_name
-Check if all the services are started.
-All managed servers are up and running.
-EBS login page is coming
-Forms are now available.
-Process an active user concurrent request.
-Check if all workflows are activated
-IMAP and SMTP accounts are configured.
-Run ETCC and check if all patches are applied.
-Technological and functionalFunctional setups are working as expected.
-Release the instance for stress testing.


In the process of upgrading, we should always follow the oracle metalink document. As the documents and versions keep on changing, In my iteration, I might have skipped a few patches or may have applied additional patches based upon my current patch level. Always cross check. With this upgrade, I have also applied the JAN CPU patches. The CPU version may be subject to change. My database version is initially set at 12c. After the EBS 12.2.11 upgrade, I did the database 19c upgrade. 

For DB Upgrade steps Click Here.

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