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19 April, 2022

ExaCS - Create Database Home

The goal of this post is to walk you through the steps of installing Oracle software binaries. Before you install the latest 19c software BP/PSU, we need to identify the latest patch updates. Using the dbaascli commands, you can check for the latest available bundle patch or release patch.

Identifying Available Patch Updates

Run the dbaascli command to check for the latest available Bundle Patch or Release Patch Updates.

Command: dbaascli cswlib list

Alternatively, new command can be used.

Command: dbaascli cswlib showImages

It will list out all the available images of DB version 12c, 18c, 19c etc. It has both the GRID Images and Database Images (CDB and Non-CDB)


Identify the tooling version currently installed

[root@test ~]# dbaascli --build

DBAAS CLI version


Latest tooling version available

[root@test ~]# dbaascli patch tools list

DBAAS CLI version

Executing command patch tools list

Checking Current tools on all nodes

test: Patchid :

Available Patches

Patchid :

Install the latest version of dbaastools by using the command: dbaascli admin updateStack

test: Patchid :


Update the tooling version


Command: dbaascli admin updateStack --version LATEST

Again, confirm the latest tooling version.

Command: dbaascli --build


Install Latest 19c software Using dbaascli command


Command: dbaascli dbhome create --version


[root@test ~]# dbaascli dbhome create --version

DBAAS CLI version

Executing command dbhome create --version


INFO: OSS details are not provided, Restoring from local acfs image


Please confirm yes/no:


INFO: exabm=1 and oss_uri from return_exabm_url() :

INFO : dbimage fixup executed.

Successfully downloaded DB gold image.

INFO: Logfile for this activity => /var/opt/oracle/log/ohome_createlocal


INFO : Creating Oracle Home from Local Image

INFO: Restoring home from image /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/dbnid/ for version

Loading PILOT...

Session ID of the current execution is: 13

Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/ohome_createlocal/pilot_2022-03-29_05-31-28-AM


Running Plugin_initialization job

Completed Plugin_initialization job


Running OH_image_validate job

Completed OH_image_validate job


Running OH_image_download job

Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.


Running OH_image_version_check job

Completed OH_image_version_check job


Running OH_pre_existence_check job

Completed OH_pre_existence_check job


Running Disk_space_check job

Completed Disk_space_check job


Running Cluster_nodes_check job

Completed Cluster_nodes_check job


Running OH_creation_acquire_lock job

Completed OH_creation_acquire_lock job


Running Local_node_oh_image_unzip job

Completed Local_node_oh_image_unzip job


Running OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job

Completed OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job


Running Local_node_oh_clone job

Completed Local_node_oh_clone job


Running Update_dbnid_bits job

Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable.


Running Local_node_oh_backup_creation job

Completed Local_node_oh_backup_creation job

Running release_lock job
Completed release_lock job
Running backup_old_home job
Completed backup_old_home job
Running cleanup job
Completed cleanup job
DBHome Patching Successful.


Install Latest 19c software Using OCI Console


OCI Console > Click on Action Menu> Oracle Database > Bare Metal, VM and Exadata > Exadata VM Cluster > Click on Cluster Name

Click on Database Home in Resources Section


 Click on Create Database Home


Add Database display home


Click on create




Once the software installation completes, you can check from the console about the status. Using dbaascli command you can also verify.

Command: dbaascli dbhome info





              DBs installed=

              OH Backup=NOT Configured



Oracle has made the process of installing binaries seamless and effortless by utilizing dbaascli, where we just need to update the images before we can install the binaries. ExaCS is also able to easily install 12c, 18c, and 19c's latest PSU.

Also, Read

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