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03 October, 2017

Oracle EBS 12.2- How to Stop and Start oacores from backend

In EBS 12.2 you can either go to the Weblogic console and do maintenance activities of Admin Server and Managed Servers. However , most DBA's find themselves comfortable using putty session.

So lets see how we can manage to start and stop oacores in simple way.

1. Go to env file and source the .env file.


3. ./ stop oacore_server1

Here I am stopping oacore_server1, you check which oacore is having issue and need to be restarted.

4. It will prompt for weblogic password. Issue the password.

5. Check the logs whether it is stopped successfully.

6. ./ start oacore_server1

Verify if oacore_server1 is Running 

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