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03 October, 2022

Set a Custom Endpoint for an Oracle Integration Cloud Instance

 Vanity URL/Custom Endpoint Enable in OIC


We may map a custom endpoint to an Oracle Integration instance and use it instead of the original URL produced in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to access the instance.

For your Oracle Integration instance, you may build a custom hostname using your preferred domain (for example,


Provision an OIC Instance

Identify the Custom Hostname

Obtain CA Signed Certificate for Custom Hostname

OIC Endpoint mapping to CNAME Record Endpoint

Enable OCI Vault

Generate the Certificates in Certificate Format

Store the Certificates in Vault Secrets

Map Custom Endpoint of OIC

Provision an OIC Instance





Identify the Custom Hostname


Select a unique hostname for your instance and register it with a DNS service provider.


Obtain CA Signed Certificate for Custom Hostname


Collaborate with your DNS team to receive the CA Signed certificate. This CA-Signed certificate will be used to enable Oracle Integration Cloud's custom hostname.


OIC Endpoint mapping to CNAME Record Endpoint


The DNS team will integrate the OIC Endpoint to a CNAME record endpoint.


Oracle Integration Endpoint URL

CNAME Record for Integration Endpoint


 Enable OCI Vault



 Add Secrets to the Keys. These keys are combination of the private key, Root certificate, digital certificates and intermediate certificated. Keys should be added in a specific format.





Generate the Certificates in Certificate Format


To avoid manual errors, just use below awk commands to transform your PEM certificate into a single line containing "n," as expected.

For the certificate with both the leaf:


Save the keys in a separate file.

Ex- Private Keys in d1.pem file

      Certificates in d2.pem, Root certificates in d3.pem etc

On linux machine run the following command to generate in a specific format.


 awk -v RS= '{gsub(/\n+/, "\\n")}1' d2.pem


Store the Certificates in Vault Secrets


Paste all the generated keys together to the Secret Contents


Map Custom Endpoint of OIC




Ultimately, modify the custom endpoint DNS record to link to the original instance hostname. As a best practice, replace the DNS record's CNAME with the hostname of the original instance endpoint.

 Confirm the Custom Endpoint in the OIC Console. Check that the OIC Login gets you to the New custom endpoint by clicking on Service Console.

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