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25 June, 2014

Day to Day Activity For Oracle Apps Dba

Hi All,

Here I would like to give some basic idea about what Dba basically doing in their reapective companies.

DBA is basically an admin kind of job, where we have to Maintain , Monitor and Manage the Database and as well as Application.

DBA's are whole and sole responsible for all database and application issues however, there can be a possibilities where few issues comes under the Developers side.

As a Dba we have to look into the Database running status, Checking the alert logs for any issues on regular timing.

We have to make sure Database is running normal and load to the database is normal as well.

We have to make sure Backup of database is sync to the production database or not.

Tablespace Management , User Management, Any kind of user issues like Blocking Session, Long running queries, Jobs are taking long time , Packages are not getting compiled etc.

Application point of view we have to make sure all the Service Components like Apache, Oc4j, Concurrent Managers, Forms Reports Server, OPP etc should be running Normal.

Concurrent Program's are running normal.

Application should be running fine and running normal.

Apply Application Patches and Database patches on regular basis.

Cloning or Refreshes of Database.

Upgradation and Migration of Database and Application.

Rman Backup script is running fine and check the status of backup's.

Hopefully this article is somewhat relevant for beginners of DBA.

You can reach out to me on my email-id if you have any additional question! 


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