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11 October, 2020

Millions Have Become Oracle Certified this Summer | How will it benefit the community?

First and foremost I would like to congratulate each one of you who have cleared Oracle Certification this summer. It would have been inappropriate not to have given the due consideration to @Oracle and of course @Rohit Rahi for their effort and well-documented training sessions with labs.

FREE Certification Program By Oracle:

  • Oracle initiated a free certification program along with well-prepared training sessions
  • Offered around 6 FREE Oracle Cloud certifications
  • One of its kind of program initiated by any Cloud Providers in recent past

A number of Engineers Benefited:

  • No real data but I assume more than tens of thousands of engineers
  • That's a whoopee big number, never seen such struggle to get an appointment
  • None of the other Cloud providers ever dare to do this type of free certification program

In Returns what Oracle Gets:

  • Oracle is a product based company with large footprints across the globe.
  • Oracle is a strong contender in Cloud Market and huge cloud business share in Paas, Iaas and Saas
  • Certified Oracle Cloud Engineers will definitely boost their market
  • Companies will easily get Oracle Certified Engineers with this program
  • Obviously with this Oracle will get many customers on their cloud and business as well

Certification will really help Engineers?

  • I don't have the exact answer here but let me put some facts
  • In one way YES, because you have prepared for this certification
  • You must have attained various videos on cloud, lectures and lab
  • So there is no doubt of about it that you have not learnt anything from these certifications
  • But in another way, If someone has passed with the help of dumps or another way then it's subjective
  • In this case, certification not going to help anyway
  • Assume you are looking for a job and after seeing your certification interviewer start asking questions on same
  • If you are able to answer then it's awesome, otherwise, it will make a negative impact.
  • Another example, after seeing your certification, you have been assigned cloud migration project, or upgrade or architect project
  • If you struggle there then again it's not a good sign

How will it benefit the community? 
  • Sharing is caring. I have seen a lot of engineers started sharing their certification experience
  • Many of them have created blogs and documents which helped many aspirants
  • Certification practise sets and experience also shared by many
  • Oracle community is very vast, widely used, many user groups exist
  • Lots of blogs, custom documents, WhatsApp group, telegram exist to help users

Your thought process on this?


Piyush Prakash

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