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07 August, 2016

ADOP : Online Patching in Oracle Apps (E-Business Suite) R12 12.2 : Apps DBA’s Must Read


Applying Oracle E-Business Suite patches without a significant system downtime is referred to as online patching, and a new utility, adop, is used to apply patches.

Online patching is supported by the capability of storing multiple application editions in the database, and the provision of a dual application tier file system. At any given point in time, one of these file systems is designated as run (part of the running system) and the other as patch (either being patched or awaiting the start of the next patching cycle). Whichever is the current run file system appears to the user in exactly the same way as the single application tier file system did in Oracle E-Business Suite releases prior to 12.2.

A new environment variable, $FILE_EDITION, shows the current designation of a given dual file system member. Three other new environment variables designate the root directories of the run ($RUN_BASE), patch ($PATCH_BASE), and non-editioned ($NE_BASE) file systems.

For example:


$RUN_BASE = /u01/R122_EBS/fs1

$PATCH_BASE = /u01/R122_EBS/fs2

$NE_BASE = /u01/R122_EBS/fs_ne

To obtain help about the basics of adop operation, enter the command:
adop -help

This will display the following text:
Applications DBA Online Patching Tool (adop)
Usage: adop [phase=<phase,phase,...>] [patches=<patch#,patch#,...>]
[<parameter>=<value> ...] [input_file=<filename>]
Enter adop -examples for a detailed list of parameters and their usage.

Now we can start with patching procedure. I recommend using screen utility in case your session got interrupted.

[applmgr@piyush app]$ screen -S patching

Go to EBS installation top directory and source run fs environment. Note: this feature is not available in release 12.2.0, you have to upgrade your instance to 12.2.2 minimum (ref 1545584.1). During patching adop will automatically set its environment as required, but it is the user's responsibility to set the environment correctly for any other commands that may be run. Reference.

[applmgr@piyush app]$ cd /u01/app
[applmgr@piyush app]$ . ./EBSapps.env run

Download patch to directory, represented by $PATCH_TOP variable and uncompress it here.
Next step - start patching cycle according to note 1355068.1 and Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide. adop will ask you for required passwords.

[applmgr@piyush app]$ adop phase=prepare
Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:

Now move on with next phases. Make sure that adop always finishes with status 0. For particular actions for each phase refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.

[applmgr@piyush app]$ adop phase=apply patches=19499499
[applmgr@piyush ~]$ adop phase=finalize
[applmgr@piyush ~]$ adop phase=cutover
[applmgr@piyush ~]$ adop phase=cleanup

Always check adop logfiles for any errors. Even if adop completes successfully, there may be some hidden warnings. I prefer to use this egrep pattern, catching most common errors:

cd $NE_BASE/EBSapps/log/adop/6
egrep -i "error|fail|ora-|ac-|rc-" ./*

Verify that patch was successfully applied using query from step 1. It should return output similar to this:



It's a good practice to verify login to the EBS after patching to make sure that everything still works as it did.

If you have any question you can comment here or drop me your concern

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