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04 May, 2013

AD Utilities

AD Utilities (Applications DBA Utilities) are set of Oracle supplied utilities that are used to administer Oracle Applications. These AD utilities have similar interfaces, operation, input and report format. Let us discuss these Utilities and they are
AD Utility Name: AD Administration
Executable: adadmin
Description: Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications -
AD Utility Name: AD Check Digest
Executable: adchkdig
Description: Checks the integrity of Oracle Applications patches downloaded from Oracle MetaLink
AD Utility Name: AD Configuration
Executable: adutconf.sql
Description: Reports standard information about the installed
AD Utility Name: AD Controller
Executable: adctrl
Description: parallel workers in AD Administration and Auto Patch.
AD Utility Name: AD File Identification
Executable: adident
Description: Reports the version and translation level of an Oracle Applications file 
AD Utility Name: AD File Character Set Converter
Executable: adncnv
Description: Converts a file from one character set to another.
ADUtility Name: AD Merge Patch
Executable: admrgpch
Description: Merges multiple patches into a single merged patch
AD Utility Name: AD Relink
Description: Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server product libraries.AD Utility Name: AD Splicer
Executable: adsplice
Description: Adds off-cycle products
AD Utility Name: AD Job Timing Report
Executable: adtimrpt.sql
Description: Reports a summary of the timing for jobs run by parallel workers.
AD Utility Name: AutoPatch
Executable: adpatch
Description: Applies patches and other system updates.
AD Utility Name: Rapid Install
Executable: rapidwiz
Description:  Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle Applications system
AD Utility Name: License Manager
Interface: Oracle Applications Manager
Description: Registers additional Oracle Applications products, country-specific functionalities, or languages. You can also use License Manager to change the base language for your system.
AD Utility Name: Patch Wizard
Interface: Oracle Applications Manager
Description: Patch Wizard** Determines patches that have not been applied, but that should be applied to keep the system current. Downloads and merges patches from Oracle Metalink.

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