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15 October, 2012

PUBLICITY STUNT: Justin Bieber's nude pic leak intentional

Pop star Justin Bieber has reportedly fabricated the story about his laptop being stolen in an elaborate stunt to hype up his new music video Beauty and a Beat.

The 18-year-old posted on his Twitter account that some of his belongings were stolen during a show in Washington earlier this

The music video for Beauty and a Beat debuted on Friday and though Bieber's fans were initially angry about the lie, they cooled down after they learnt it was the singer's idea to surprise his fans, reported E! online.

Co-directed by Bieber and his Never Say Never director Jon Chu, the clip features Nicki Minaj at a pool party attended by young partygoers.

"The Beauty And A Beat music video was original, creative, artistic, fun and just amazing. I loved every single second of it," JustinBiebsGang wrote posted on Twitter.

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