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04 October, 2012

Nokia makes fun of iPhone 5 with 'colouful' Lumia 920 ad

WASHINGTON: In the latest ad for Nokia's colourful Lumia 920, the Finland-based mobile maker has poked fun at the boring colours of Apple's newly released iPhone5.

Nokia's ad for its latest smartphone, which is available in black, white, grey, red and yellow, takes a swipe at iPhone5 that comes in two clolurs - black and white.

According to Mashable, the 60-second animation shows a line of identical-looking people enter what is obviously meant to be an Apple store.

They hand over their cash and receive a smartphone with a large number "5" showing on the screen.

When one customer hesitates to take his new phone from the Apple employee and says "color?", all hell breaks loose, with the employee looking like he's about to smash up his own store and attack everyone inside it.

Then the music livens up and suddenly the ad is awash with color as lots of people walk by using their colourful Nokia Lumia 920 smartphones.

According to the report, Nokia's jab is infinitely more subtle than Samsung's recent iPhone 5 attack.


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