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13 September, 2012


As this gigantic news story spreads like wildfire across the Internet - the major controlled media are doing what they always do when startling factual truths emerge that reveal the criminality of their neo-conservative/neo fascist partners who control America - nothing - a total news blackout.

As for the BBC, their top executive is scrambling to issue lie after lie to cover-up yet another in the now constant river of "anomalies" about the attacks of 9-11 - their first lie was that they seem to have "misplaced" the tapes of that day.

Not likely says CNN (another neo fascist media outlet). Their video archivist said that never in a million years would they NOT have a copy of the most important day in news in decades - They would have hundreds of them. With mounting emails and telephone calls pouring in, the BBC issued a second volley of lies. This time, lush in detail, none of it credible in the slightest - just more insulting lies, coverups and obfuscations.

Here's the story:

Apparently on the day of the attacks of 9-11, the BBC prematurely reported the collapse of WTC7 some twenty-three minutes BEFORE IT ACTUALLY COLLAPSED!

WTC Building 7, sometimes referred to as the Solomon Brothers Building, contained offices of the CIA, US Customs, FBI, Secret Service and the SEC. It was this 47 story building that became shrouded in controversy because although NO PLANE HIT IT, for some inexplicable reason, 8 hours later, it completely collapsed, neatly and into it's own footprint, just like the others - just like controlled demolitions. It's collapse has researchers viewing it as a sort of rosetta stone in proving that the attacks of September 11th were an "Inside Job." Leading scientists and researchers from around the world are coming forward, providing analysis, real explanations and demanding answers to the very suspicious collapse of Building 7.

In the video you are about to see, the BBC has just reported that Building 7 has just collapsed. The funny thing is... building 7 doesn't collapse until a full TWENTY-THREE MINUTES LATER!

In the anchorman's reading of his teleprompter we already hear the scripted language emerge, the language that the conspirators have scripted to explain how their building 7, which would not be hit that day by any planes, would collapse.

Not only does the anchorman's teleprompter tell him that the building has collapsed, it tells him that the building collapsed because the fall of the other two buildings "weakened" it. Seemingly clairvoyantly peering into the future at what exactly waould be revealed to be the administration's "later released" "official version," of the collapse.

This would be the story that would be replayed to anyone questioning the oddities of the building 7 collapse. This would be the word to use in the controlled media in the days, weeks and months that followed when and if the topic turned to building 7. That building 7 collapsed, not from being hit by a plane, but because it was "weakened" by the collapse of the other buildings. This was the prewritten "official story" that went out on all the TV networks and media outlets right after the collapse. But in the case of the little BBC "slip-up," this prewritten script went out... a little too early.

What you are about to see is the prewritten script being released ahead of time - the question is: by accident or was it released... on purpose? With resentment high up in British circles of the American led NeoCon crusaders who were directing all these titanic global "clashes of civilization" as they like to call them, this might be a message, "We'll play ball for now, but here's a wrench in your American machine. Just remember we can scuttle the plan anytime." Either way, this startling new revelation is just one more piece of a puzzle that points to only one conclusion - INSIDE JOB... ON A MASSIVE TRANSCONTINENTAL SCALE.

It reveals the dark mind control mechanisms that these illuminati scriptwriters use in their vain attempts to control the world.

And so we witness the anchorman dutifully reading the words coming across his teleprompter, complete with the exact, soon to be "official explanation," that the building didn't collapse because it was hit by a plane but that it was "weakened." As he says the words you must understand that there is no where else these words could have been written but in the offices of the CIA and the many Think Tanks and private intelligence networks who were behind these attacks. And we're supposed to believe that he knows the details of this 23 minutes before it happens. The question becomes how did those words get on that teleprompter, find the channels of press releases emerging from the dark corners of cyberspace that morning with all these fake information on them and you have found the conspirators. The words the anchorman reads are the exact ones written many months prior, during the planning stages of the attacks that would shake the world.

Here we catch a clear glimpse of the workings of those who are actually behind the attacks. Certainly BBC did not order the crimes, but the very highest levels they like all in the major controlled media, they are the ones driving the getaway car, for they are solely responsible of covering up the crimes in the aftermath and guaranteeing that at least those who still get their information from the TV will never get the truth about what's really happening.

What does BBC say about this strange glimpse of the conspirators messing up and giving them their script too early. There answer is "They lost the tapes of that day."


One can easily imagine that in order to control the flow of dialogue of the crime, in the direct aftermath of the crime, the timing of the many press releases (scripted lies) must be critical, and somewhere along the line mistakes are going to be made. Someone slipped up and sent out the script to the BBC twenty-three minutes before the conspirators actually blew up the building. OOoops

BCC REPORTED THE COLAPSE 23 MINUTES BEFORE IT HAPPENED. They received their script a little too early, "plane" and simple, and another clue and chapter in the biggest INSIDE JOB in the history of criminal acts gets revealed to us in clear sight.

What is the major media saying about these startling FACTS which are sweeping the Internet like wildfire, nothing. Not a single mention of what is perhaps one of the most startling anomalies to date in the whole string of anomalies about that inside job..

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