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14 May, 2012


Bangalore Life.. wow ..! Amazing.. every where i go or i went, I always encountering with the IT guys.
IT peoples are every where spread in Bangalore city.. In bus, in canteen, in restaurant, in malls.. Where ever I go, IT peoples follows me.
Its something similar to Hutch(Vodafone) adds.
Seriously this is a city of IT peoples, where every one is associated with IT department.
So its not wrong to say Bangalore "IT CITY".. :-)
I am staying here in Bangalore with my college friends and Childhood friends..!!
when I came all the way from Capital ( New Delhi), I dint like this city.. because dis city is something like a small town. But as the days past i understand what exactly importance of dis city...!!

I find here some good guys, some good friends, some good guide.!!
Still i"m struggling with my existence in IT field..!!

Letta see when i"ll find my place in this IT world..:-P

Hoping for the best. :-)

Byyeee for the time being..!!

Piyush Prakash

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