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04 February, 2012

My First Blog...!!!!

Wow..!!! My blog... My view... My post.. My thoughts..!!!
Well i've created dis blog just to express my personal feelings. Lots of my friends told me that u should write a blog.. But dat time I dnt want to do dis. I was happy with my Orkut account when I"z in Madhubani(hometown), having Facebook in college time was a big asset and time pass for me and from some months I"m feeling awesome to be connected with Twitter and some of the real personalities.

But writing a blog is something different from these all Social Networking sites. I still remember when veteran actor Amitabh bachchan strart blogging, then i thought 'Main bhi likhunga'. But somehow it takes almost 2-3 years i come on blog, but better late than never.

But from now, i"m sure i"ll write a blog on every weekends or might b when ever i"ve spare of time to write something Interesting on my blog., i"ll do it for sure.

I"ve lots of thing in mind to write but i"ll start it very soon.

U can reach me by  facebook account and twitter account.

1 comment:

Amit said...

Gud 1 4 Apps DBA Aspirants!!!

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